I'm having a problem with the following scene under 3.5b5. The use of int is
generating an error. I'm sort of assuming I'm doing something stupid, since
if it was a bug I would be surprised if no one had come across it before
(hence the post here rather than beta). I'm getting the error: "Parse Error:
Expected 'function identifier', } found instead"
I'm downloading beta 6 to see if that fixes it, but if anyone can spot what
I'm doing wrong enquiring minds want to know. Here's the simplified
#include "functions.inc"
#declare fn_X = function(x,y,z) {int(x) }
isosurface {
function { fn_X(x, y, z) }
contained_by { box { -1, 1 } }
accuracy 0.001
max_gradient 4
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